Reno omokri "What European missionaries sold to Africans as Christianity is the reformed paganism of the Roman Empire."

This is the Theban Trinity, consisting of Amun, his wife Mut and their son Khonsu. They were worshipped in ancient Egypt (Mizraim) 2500 years before Christ, during the time of Moses. In Deuteronomy 6:4, Moses gave Israel a strong warning against the Theban Trinity. He said “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD”.

Notice what they are holding? They are holding an Ankh. This is one of the most demonic symbols on Earth.

The Ankh is often depicted being given to Pharaohs as an assurance that they (the gods) would sustain the Pharaoh’s life in the afterlife.

One of the things that will shock many people is the fact that Christ did not die on a Cross. The Scriptures never said so. I can see you now getting agitated. Christ existed. He is the Son of God. He lived, died and resurrected as a propitiation for our sins and there is no way to God EXCEPT through Christ. I did not say The Bible never said Christ died on The Cross. It does. I said the SCRIPTURES never said so. The Bible is a TRANSLATION of the Holy Scriptures.

The word used in Scripture is actually Tree. The original word used in the original Greek Scripture is staurō, which may mean a pole, or a stake, or the word xylou, which means tree.

If you doubt me, open up Acts 5:30 in the King James Version.

Read Galatians 3:13 if you really want to know the truth. The King James Version uses the word ‘Tree’ to indicate where Christ died. The NIV uses the word ‘Pole’. Believe it or not, for the first 300 years of the Church, the Cross was NOT a Christian symbol. Don’t take my word for it. Research it.

Everywhere you see the word ‘Cross’ in The Bible, you are reading a word that is translated from either staurō or xylou. I encourage you to use a Greek dictionary to find out the meaning of both words. So, where did the Cross originate from?

Too many things we believe in are actually of demonic origin. No wonder Paul warned as follows “the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.”-1 Timothy 4:1.

What European missionaries sold to Africans as Christianity is the reformed paganism of the Roman Empire.


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